Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Is this enough chocolate??


gina said...

That's chocolate love right there! My birthday's Oct. 7th and I'm wishing I had someone nearby to bake me that cake!

Tarts and Tattoos said...

Well... It could be sent well packaged :)

Jennifer B said...

Really? Do they travel well?

Tarts and Tattoos said...

Of course! I send all the time. Email me your address lady...I'll send. You'll have to sign the "won't sue Michelle in event of weight gain" waiver :)

Jennifer B said...

I can't afford a yummy chocolate cake! Although I am willing to rob a bank if I must....and as for the weight gain waiver..No worries, I gain weight completely on my own accord. Mostly. :)

Tarts and Tattoos said...

Jesus Christ Lady... there's no charge! I'll send you a box of cupcakes, icing on the side so they don't get ugly, you can do whatever you want with the leftover icing :)We're in the same country... you could be licking these bitches by Tuesday afternoon if I send them Monday.
Consider it a tip for making me laugh everyday.

Jennifer B said...

oh my god.
do you have an e-mail address where i can harass you at?

Jennifer B said...

Er, nevermind I just sent you a message on swap-bot. I forgot you're on there too. TEEHEE

Ang said...

you are trying to make me fat. UHHH.. (oh yah I already am)
i need to do some baking today to take with me to my sister's - hopefully looking at this cake will be enough to inspire me...
(although it says it is my dog Minou leaving this post - it isn't really. She just never signs out of blogger and I'm to lazy to sign in.)

Tarts and Tattoos said...

I try to make everyone fat! That way I'm always the slim one... so far so good! :)

Jennifer B said...


Also, you don't update nearly enough to satisfy my needs!

Pear tree cottage! said...

Just love this blog of yours and the food you must enjoy making.......I could come on over from Australia and have a nice slice of that choc.....Very Chocolate looking cake.

O! your tea towel & kitchen surprise swap is on its way!!!

I would welcome you at my blog too any time I have just made a nice apple slice to share!!! lol lol lol!!
